Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Having broken down 'Magazine' into more manageable subjects for learners, I decided to use the lesson to check on learners' progression and support them individually.

Aims & Objectives
I begun by introducing the aims and objectives of the lesson and to my delight, the students thanked me and got on with their work.

I went around the class to individual learners to check where they were with their work. I checked what they had done and gave them feedback on ways in which they could improve their work. I also asked them questions to get them to think about what they were producing. I told them to put themselves in the 'consumers' shoes', which will help them look at their work from different lenses. (A little like Brookfield:1995)

I gave each learner a time frame to semi-/complete their advertisements/magazine covers/DVD cover/film festival flyer but I ran into a problem...

Having went around the class. I noticed that most of their work was incomplete or needed a lot of improvement so I decided, on a whim, to run to the staff room and grab their 'reflective journals.' (College requirement, which students seem to dislike) I decided to get all learners to write:

1) What they did in the lesson
2) What they still need to do (list)
3) What they need for Friday

I checked their journals to make sure the level of reflection was adequate. I also decided that from now on learners are required to:

1) Start of the lesson: Write in their journals - What they are suppose to do/gain from the lesson
2) End of the lesson: Write in their journals - What they learnt and what they still need to complete

Doing this would ensure:

> Learners are aware of their progression
> Their journals are being followed through, checked and written in
> Learning is being checked

I shared this idea with learners and on a whole got good feedback.

I decided after going around the class, to set up a 2 hour intensive class on Friday on constructing cosmetic/perfume adverts for their magazine.

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